How Do United Airlines Name Change Policies Work?

United Airlines is one of the major carriers in the United States, serving millions of passengers each year. Whether you're booking a ticket for yourself, a family member, or a friend, you might encounter situations where you need to change the name on a reservation. This could be due to a simple misspelling or a more complex situation. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of united airlines name change policy and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to navigate them effectively.

Why Would You Need to Change a Name on a United Airlines Reservation?

Before delving into the specifics of United Airlines' name change policies, it's essential to understand why you might need to change a name on a reservation. There are several common scenarios where this could become necessary:

  1. Typographical Errors: A simple spelling mistake during the booking process could result in an incorrect name on the ticket.

  2. Marriage or Divorce: Individuals who change their last names due to marriage or divorce may need to update their names on their airline reservations.

  3. Legal Name Change: If someone undergoes a legal name change, their airline reservations should reflect the new name.

  4. Transferring a Ticket: You might want to transfer your ticket to another person, such as a family member or a friend. This usually involves changing the name on the reservation.

  5. Mistaken Bookings: In some cases, passengers may mistakenly book a flight under the wrong name, such as a nickname instead of their legal name.

Now that we've established why you might need to change a name on a United Airlines reservation, let's explore the airline's policies on this matter.

United Airlines Name Change Policy: An Overview

United Airlines, like many other airlines, has a set of rules and guidelines when it comes to changing the name on a reservation. These policies are in place to maintain security and prevent fraudulent activity while accommodating passengers' legitimate needs for name changes.

Here are some essential points to keep in mind about United Airlines' name change policy:

  1. Non-Transferable Tickets: United Airlines' tickets are typically non-transferable. This means that the person named on the ticket at the time of booking is the one who should be traveling. However, there are exceptions and options for name changes in specific situations.

  2. Spelling Errors: United Airlines understands that typos can happen during the booking process. If you notice a minor spelling error, such as a missing letter or an incorrect letter, you may not need to worry. The airline often allows corrections for minor misspellings free of charge.

  3. Marriage or Divorce: United Airlines permits name changes due to marriage or divorce, provided you can provide proper documentation, such as a marriage certificate or divorce decree. This change is typically allowed without a fee.

  4. Legal Name Change: Passengers who have undergone a legal name change can update their reservations with the new name. Again, proper documentation is required.

  5. Transferring a Ticket: While United Airlines tickets are non-transferable, you can sometimes transfer a ticket to another person under specific conditions. Keep reading to learn more about this process.

Now that you have a general understanding of United Airlines' name change policy, let's delve into each scenario in more detail.

Correcting Minor Spelling Errors

If you've made a minor spelling error when booking a ticket with United Airlines, you may not need to go through a formal name change process. The airline recognizes that these errors can happen and often allows corrections free of charge. Here's how to handle minor spelling errors:

  1. Contact United Airlines: Reach out to United Airlines as soon as you notice the mistake. It's best to address it promptly to avoid any issues at the airport.

  2. Provide Booking Information: Be prepared to provide your booking information, including the confirmation number, the incorrect name on the ticket, and the correct name.

  3. Explain the Error: Clearly explain the nature of the error, whether it's a missing letter, an incorrect letter, or a similar issue.

  4. Follow Instructions: United Airlines will provide you with instructions on how to correct the spelling error. This might involve sending them supporting documentation or making the correction over the phone.

Remember that the airline's willingness to correct minor spelling errors may vary, and it's always best to address such issues as soon as possible.

Name Changes Due to Marriage or Divorce

If you've recently gotten married or divorced and need to change your name on a United Airlines reservation, you can typically do so without incurring a fee. Here's how to proceed:

  1. Contact United Airlines: Reach out to the airline's customer service or reservations department.

  2. Provide Documentation: You will need to provide documentation to support the name change. For a marriage, this might include a copy of your marriage certificate, while for a divorce, you'll need a copy of the divorce decree.

  3. Explain the Situation: Clearly explain why you need to change your name on the reservation.

  4. Follow Instructions: United Airlines will provide instructions on how to update your name in their system.

It's important to note that while name changes due to marriage or divorce are typically allowed without a fee, the specific requirements and procedures may vary. Always check with United Airlines for the most up-to-date information and guidance.

If you've legally changed your name and need to update it on your United Airlines reservation, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Contact United Airlines: Reach out to the airline's customer service or reservations department.

  2. Provide Legal Documentation: You will need to provide legal documentation of your name change, such as a court-issued name change certificate.

  3. Explain the Name Change: Clearly explain the reason for the name change and provide the necessary documentation to support your request.

  4. Follow Instructions: United Airlines will provide instructions on how to update your name in their system.

When dealing with a legal name change, it's crucial to have all the necessary documentation in order to ensure a smooth process.

Transferring a Ticket to Another Person

Transferring a United Airlines ticket to another person, also known as a name change transfer, is a more complex process compared to correcting minor spelling errors or updating your name due to marriage or divorce. Here are the key steps involved:

  1. Check Eligibility: United Airlines typically allows name change transfers in specific circumstances, such as for family emergencies or certain types of military orders. Check the airline's specific policy to see if your situation qualifies.

  2. Contact United Airlines: Reach out to the airline's customer service or reservations department and explain the reason for the name change transfer.

  3. Provide Documentation: You will likely need to provide documentation to support your request. This may include a death certificate, military orders, or other relevant documents depending on your situation.

  4. Pay a Fee: United Airlines typically charges a fee for name change transfers. The fee amount may vary depending on the circumstances and the type of ticket you purchased.

  5. Complete the Transfer: Follow the instructions provided by United Airlines to complete the name change transfer. This may involve filling out forms or providing additional information.

It's important to note that name change transfers are not always allowed, and eligibility criteria can be strict. Additionally, the process can be costly, so be sure to carefully consider your options and review United Airlines' policy before proceeding.

Important Considerations

When dealing with name changes on United Airlines reservations, here are some additional considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Timing: Address any name change issues as early as possible to avoid complications and potential fees.

  2. Documentation: Always have the necessary documentation to support your name change request. Whether it's a marriage certificate, divorce decree, court-issued name change certificate, or other documents, having them readily available will expedite the process.

  3. Fees: Be prepared to pay any applicable fees for name changes or name change transfers. The cost can vary, so check United Airlines' current fee schedule for the most accurate information.

  4. Ticket Type: Some ticket types, such as basic economy fares, may have more restrictive name change policies. Be aware of the fare rules associated with your ticket.


United Airlines name change policies are designed to balance the need for passenger flexibility with the need for security and fraud prevention. While the airline generally does not permit name transfers on tickets, it does accommodate name changes due to typographical errors, marriage, divorce, and legal name changes.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to change a name on a United Airlines reservation, follow the appropriate steps outlined in this guide. Remember to reach out to the airline's customer service or reservations department for personalized assistance and to confirm the specific requirements and fees associated with your particular situation.

By understanding and navigating United Airlines' name change policies effectively, you can ensure that your travel plans remain on track, even in the event of name-related complications.

Check also:- how to change name on united airlines ticket